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About Peter Walker Allegory Tattoo San Diego California

About Us


[al-uh-gawr-ee, -gohr-ee]


-noun, plural -ries.

1. a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms; figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another.

2. a symbolical narrative: the allegory of Piers Plowman.

3. emblem.


Why Allegory?


When Pete Walker originally came up with the idea for Allegory he wanted to create an environment that challenged the notions of one of the world's oldest practices. Tattooing is a very personal experience and we here at Allegory understand how important it is to have the perfect design which really expresses the client's vision. 


"Our tattoos are the legacy we leave our future selves. Tattoos end up becoming the milestones along the path of our lives, you will never stop changing as a person, and will never forget who you were when you got a particular tattoo." 


At Allegory we are all pretty much nerds, we understand having passions and ours range from Music to Video Games, to Epic Fantasy, and beyond. The one pursuit we all share is Art. So we can relate to having passions and want to help you find a way to make your passions permanent. Whether it be Family, Achievements, or just Art collection, we can help you create the perfect image custom-designed to fit your body.

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